Speech Dispatcher RHVoice Festival

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RHVoice Festival Speech Dispatcher, , Ubuntu Linux Mint.


RHVoice Linux Mint ( Ubuntu). RHVoice , , , . Speech Dispatcher RHVoice , .

, , . , .

mkdir build
cd build

, :

sudo apt update
sudo apt  -q install scons git pkg-config g++ libglibmm-2.4-dev libao-dev libpulse-dev libspeechd-dev portaudio19-dev 

libao-dev, libpulse-dev, portaudio19-dev .


git clone --recursive https://github.com/RHVoice/RHVoice.git

RHVoice, . :

cd RHVoice

scons , . , , :

scons languages=Russian ,Ukrainian

, :

scons audio_libs=pulse 

, . :

sudo scons install
sudo ldconfig
sudo cp -a /usr/local/bin/sd_rhvoice /usr/lib/speech-dispatcher-modules

Speech Dispatcher RHVoice, ( ) , nano gedit:

sudo nano /etc/speech-dispatcher/modules/rhvoice.conf

, :

RHVoiceDataPath "/usr/local/share/RHVoice"
RHVoiceConfigPath "/usr/local/etc/RHVoice/"
#RHVoicePunctuationList "@+_"
RHVoiceDefaultVoice "Aleksandr"
RHVoiceDefaultVariant "Pseudo-English"

nano, Ctrl + X , Y, Enter.

, Speech Dispatcher, , Speech Dispatcher , .

sudo nano /etc/speech-dispatcher/speechd.conf

. AddModule ( , (#)). AddModule :

AddModule "rhvoice" "sd_rhvoice" "rhvoice.conf"

Speech Dispatcher, :

sudo systemctl restart speech-dispatcherd.service 

RHVoice, :

git pull  && git submodule update --init 
scons && sudo scons install. 


Speech Dispatcher Festival, .


sudo apt update
sudo apt-get install festival speech-dispatcher speech-dispatcher-festival python-speechd

, speechd.conf /etc/speech-dispatcher/, :

sudo gedit /etc/speech-dispatcher/speechd.conf

( , ) :

AddModule "festival"     "sd_festival"  "festival.conf"

Speech Dispatcher, , .

, Festival , :

DefaultModule festival

, festival.conf /etc/speech-dispatcher/modules/ ( , ):

# Address where the Festival server runs (you have to 

# have a Festival server running, please see documentation).

FestivalServerHost  "localhost" 

FestivalServerPort   1314

Festival, :

festival --server


spd-conf --test-festival
spd-conf -d

Speech Dispatcher, :

sudo systemctl restart speech-dispatcherd.service 

Linux/Unix, RHVoice, Speech Dispatcher,

, .
: ©  ,  2004-2025